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Boots for older snapper comet 1974




I have been reading alot about different brands of boots for the trans some cheap genuine Snapper but they are put out by Briggs & Statton they must have bought out Snapper from what I heard, so I bought them the others most said will not hold up. I am not predjudice but when I received them they are made in China stamped right on the package I thought they were a USA company I wonder how many other parts are made here? There is old tools made in Japan that were great but just wondering why they charge so much for they say is an original snapper part and its not! anyone else feel that way? Thanks for listening to me babble on. Take care my snapper buddy's JamesVa Matt Dillon:confused2:



Mow Joe

Pretty much anything painted red was actually made by Snapper. The handlebars may be an exception. You can pretty much bet that the bulk of everything else is outsourced.




I would say your exactly right, ashame though for 23.00 for to rubber or plastic boots thats steep. Oh well thats life! Appreciate your comments take care my friend!JamesVa Matt Dillon
