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Best Residential/Commercial Zero Turn for a $5000-$5500 OTD budget?




I am having such a hard time deciding on which mower to get. I have approx. 2.5 acreas of SE Lousiana lawn. Many oak trees and roots etc. I thought I had it to the DC Mag 52 or the Gravely XD 52 but now I am unsure after spending hours on this forum. Any advice would be appreciated. Though I think I will be happy with any purchase. They all seem to have their pros and cons.
Thanks in advance




you should check out the Husqvarna MZT-52, it usually has better component's than the other brands in this price range, I bought mine for 5k, 5300.00 OTD w/ 6% tax

It has the commercial Kawasaki FS motor, better than a FR, also 3400 trannies and cast iron not aluminum spindles to.




I am having such a hard time deciding on which mower to get. I have approx. 2.5 acres of SE Louisiana lawn. Many oak trees and roots etc. I thought I had it to the DC Mag 52 or the Gravely XD 52 but now I am unsure after spending hours on this forum. Any advice would be appreciated. Though I think I will be happy with any purchase. They all seem to have their pros and cons.
Thanks in advance

If you want advice I'd say go with your first choice out of the ones you've narrowed it do to. The more you look and the more advice you get from people the more you'll get confused. Anything with 2800 drives and up will do the job you want to have done, that covers the high end residential to the commercial drives and anything in a Kawasaki engine from the FR model to the FX will also do your 2.5 acres without problem. if you haven't already try reading this thread here.

