I cut a yard today that is about an acre. It is mixed with part being centipede and part having bahia grass. I have cut it probably 50 times or so and today the bahia was the toughest I have ever seen it. In fact about every yard we cut today that had some bahia grass in it and it worked on my blades.
Looks like we will probably be changing blades twice a day now for a while the way this is going.
Changed blades this morning about 10:30 on both mowers and this afternoon by 4:00 both were stringing terribly.
I see some miss this thing, >< a set of sharp Blades really make a big difference, & Time is Money>< we have Bahia Grass here in the area where I live, I hate the stuff, it might be good pasture grass, I don't know, its sure not a good lawn grass