I want to speed up my outlaw. It does 12 mph but with the 36 hp Briggs I believe it could go faster? Does anyone know how to do this or if it can be done?
how fast you can cut - all depends on grass and ground conditions. experienced operator knows when to speed -up, when to slow down
for those, who don't have experience on 12-16 mph mowers, it hard to understand - sometimes you can, sometimes you can't cut full speed - 10 mph, 12, 15 etc. all depends on conditions
cutting property 100 times (3 years, 30\season) - 3x33=100) - you would already learn when to slow down
1. it should go 13-14 mph by BB specs (flat hard surface, spec tire pressure)
2. oulaw should have zt5400 trany (not pumps-wheelmotors combo)
zt5400 have variable displacement pumps and var. displ. motors inside trany - you can change settings on motor (gravely, bb outlaw) or add separate control ("gear shift" lever) - scag cheetah (16mph), husquarna pz-zt series (18mph) - pedal on the left side
don't speed-up tranny input pulley - they on the limit 3000 -3600 rpm, higher rpm will cause cavitation, and destroy it in no time
simpliest way, as been mentioned before - 26'' tires instead of 24. won't load hydraulics much. adjust deck to compensate rised rear
p.s. many big mowers, batwings, etc - have speed 18 mph or so - but that's different trany
pps. most people are able to find good use of higher cutting and transport speed, some - not : )