I have a 42inch huskiee riding mower and I am needing information on how to install some anti scalping wheels on the deck
.I was told by the newest employee at the place I bought it at that it would not scalp my yard without the wheels. WRONG!!!!!!
.. I would appreciate I if someone can tell me the best way to put them on my deck.
Thank you
I don't think they even sell this model anymore but there is one on their web site that looks like mine but you can tell that it is got more new features on it than mine. I have a broken leg in 22 places and I can't get out to look for the model # right now. All I need to know is how to install them on my deck . I don't know what to set my deck on.
Sticker on your mower.
Check under the seat.
Your model number is 13W277SS031
First I would say to raise the deck to the highest setting. If it still scalps then you need to buy this and drill holes in your deck and install them. Deck will then be out of warranty.
You will have to copy and paste the address. marbeck.com/universal-riding-lawn-mower-38-42-deck-wheel-kit/?gclid=CjwKEAjwm8-6BRDgnb-Dk96UmRASJADbMycY5ypIvPuV2h_iYY9OjLF3VcVeR0Nq-Tvx7VAlbLl0fBoCrWbw_wcB