Hi there, new to the site, and have recently decided to quit making repairs to an older Murray 17hp with 42" deck. This mower was a hand-me-down from parents who moved to smaller lot so I can't complain about having 3 or 4 years of use out of it, but it's not something I want to put money into. Was hoping more knowledgable folks here could give me opinions on the following mowers:
$650 - Used Crafstman: 15.5 HP, 42" deck, triple bagger (guy said low use, runs good)
$850 - Barely used (2012) Troy Bilt 17.5 Hp 42" deck. No bagger ($300 at Lowes) = $1150
Just went and saw this mower, and I believe that (as the guy said) it doesn't even have a full tank of gas through it. He still has the warranty information he has not sent in, from purchasing 2 months ago at Lowes.
$1700- New Craftsman 21hp 42" deck Hydrostatic, made by Husqvarna. This price would include the bagger. Normal price is $1750, on sale for $1450, plus 10% off tomorrow only - 2-year warranty
I don't know how long we'll be here on this 3/4 acre lot, been here about 20 years, so I would guess it could be awhile.
I can afford any of these, but usually need a crowbar to get my wallet out! I don't like to spend money so it's tempting to get the older Craftsman with the bagger set up (looks nice in pictures, but I am going to look at it tomorrow)
What would you do? I know Craftsman aren't always known for quality, but the brand new one (VT3000 I think) made by Husky and with the Hydrostatic tranny is appealing. I think the Troy Bilt is made by MTD and looks kind of cheap, but it is basically brand new, so I'm just getting it for about $300 less than the cost of new, which would pay for the bagger. Thoughts?? Thanks!!
Why is the guy getting rid of the Troy Built? I don't know if $300.00 is enough off. I think the older Craftsman may be a bit old even though I don't know the age. New with a two year warrantee sounds a lot better.
Check them all out carefully and make the decision. Bottom line its your money
From what you posted I would go with the Troy-Bilt. Two years warranty on a used unit. No brainer.
my only comment would be is... I have become a big fan of hydorstatic transmissions. I would give one a test drive in you case to see if the 1400 craftsman might not be the best choice in that price range.
That Crafstman (new) does have the Hydro Tranny, and 21hp B&S. I found out today is a Friends and Family non-advertised special, which is an additional 10% off on any lawn equipment, so I think I may go get one tonight. Original Price $1,750 - currently reduced to $1,450 + additional 10% off today, = $1,305. This is also the Tight Turn, 6" radius.
They claim this VT3000 is made by Husky and not MTD, so it has the cast iron steering rods (undercarriage) and seems to be a little beefier.
I also just got back from Home Depot and looked at the Ariens and John Deere...for similar units, they seem to be a little higher, but then probably are not on sale. This store didn't have all of them priced and as they say, it's hard to find good help!
good luck with your choice, remember good maintenance makes the cheapest mower last longer.
Thanks for all the advice everyone, I'll let you know how it goes!
My wife just came out and reminded me it's dark and time to quit running the new mower...so here I am. I'm so far pleased with the new YT3000 (I had mistakenly thought it was VT) but in any case, it's doing what I thought it would. I installed the bagger and adjusted the deck wheels down to 2nd from last setting. The 1/2 acre in back that we rough-cleared a few years ago is level, but NOT smooth by any stretch. I had about half that I hadn't finished the other day (Murray belt came off again, and that Murray has other issues) but so far I really like the tight turning radius (6") the 21hp B&S motor seems very strong, starts right away and LOVE the hydrostatic transmission with reverse lockout (or rather lock-IN) feature. I often find myself backing into spaces that I want to cut, so having it cut while in reverse is a huge plus. It took me a minute to get used to the hydrostatic tranny - I was finding myself wanting to push in the clutch to change gears, but man, just throttle up or throttle back to nuetral, right into reverse, without touching the clutch...really smooth!
For my back "Lawn" where there are thin and thicker sections of grass, being able to just pull back or push forward for more speed is really nice. We'll see how it holds up, but ran the deck wash (after removing the lower bagger attachment with two bungie clips) and cleaned it out before putting away. So far so good. Thanks to all for feedback! Outside Dog
cool... I found your comment about the operation of the hydro tranny interesting... on the only hydro equip'ed lt I had ever used, I never touched the throttle(other than to set it at full throttle), It had a single pedal that you pushed forward to go forward and it tilted backward to go backwards... no touching of the throttle required, the further forward you pushed it the faster it went! Just like my ZT. Most zt's and I have to believe LT's require the throttle at full to get the max blade speed. It should be set and forget.
You are correct; I stated throttle but meant the directional lever. Throttle left at full, then just move the lever forward and back as needed...it's pretty cool -
ahh makes more sense... yeah that won me over big time. My ZT has spoiled me cause it has a joystick and leaves me with a free hand for Iced tea.
A cup holder...I haven't had one of those before either! :wink: I am going to order a service hour meter and the front bumper...I can justify the meter, but the bumper just looks cool.