I went by the dealer today and the parts guy said he should have gave me the original filter but the newer one would be ok to use. After talking to he and the salesman and them assuring me this would not void my warranty I told them I would leave it in place as long as it did t leak. We'll see.
There are two different filters for Kawi engines. Both will work fine. The difference is that one is short and slightly fatter, the other is longer and maybe a tad smaller in diameter. The short filter is designed to work in applications where room for the filter sticking out very far would be a problem. The longer one in more roomy spaces.
I have owned, and still own quite a few Kawi's. Every one of them have come one or the other, but have all been replaced with AM107423. I just did the oil change on my Z950 yesterday. That's the same filter I used, and use every time I change it. Same filter on my 24 YO JD 240 GT. Same filter the was on my GX335, my 445"s, and a couple others. There won't be any problem.