Here is a parts diagram for your engine
I would start with removing any covers that restrict access to the top of the carb, and check to make sure that a sudden joit didn't jam the throttle control on the carb. Make sure the throttle butterfly in the carb rotates. It has been awhile but there was an issue with one of the Briggs older engines where the throttle butterfly in the carb could overcenter causing a stuck at full uncontrolled throttle. It looks like from the carb diagram that this carb also controls the choke opening on startup, so don't overlood the chance that the choke has jammed the throttle open.
Beyond that it could be possible the jolt could of broken the governor gear but that would be a low possibility. And also if the engne came to a sudden stop when this happened it could of partially sheared the flywheel key which shouldn't cause overspeed, but can cause other issues.