My push mower 6.25 B&S won't start, A small spray of starting fluid and it fires right up and runs great. The primer bulb appears not to be working. I replaced the screen, Bulb and cleaned the little hole. HELP!
This is what I found, Name Murray, Serial 12 912358 25319....... model 122m02 6377-f4-2612358.......DOM .....Jan2012 Let me know if you need anything else Thank you.
Sounds like the bowl nut/jet may be clogged. Unscrew it from the bottom of the carb bowl, and clean both the cross hole and the hole in the center, and reinstall and see what happens. Also when pushing the primer bulb can you see it squirting fuel up into the center of the carb.
The single biggest issue with those primer systems is the plastic air filter base. It warps, and will no longer seal properly against the carburetor and base gasket, causing the air from the primer to leak out before it even reaches the carburetor. Solution: replace the air filter base and gasket.