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4262 leaking fuel tank




Hey everyone, just found this place and hope someone can help me. I have a LawnBoy 4262 that still runs great except that the fuel tank split along the seam and now leaks gas if I fill more than halfway.

I called and got information on the recall and they asked for my serial number and said it was "too old". Bunch of poop!!

So they offered to sell me a new one for a price of a brand new mower. No way!!

I tried sealing it with no luck. Anyone know of a place to get an old tank for this mower. Yes, I checked FleaBay and Craigslist and found nothing. I would even consider putting one of the commercial tanks on there to keep it going.





I have repaired several cracked plastic gas tanks and recommend trying it. What you got to loose? wink wink..

All you need is an electric soldering iron and melt the split seam back together, and that is it! If there is a big hole then you might need to add, or melt plastic in.

You can practice on any recycled plastic before you start.

Also and of coarse, goes without saying, "empty gas from tank, rinse with water, clean the area, do in a well ventilated area etc etc etc..




Hey everyone, just found this place and hope someone can help me. I have a LawnBoy 4262 that still runs great except that the fuel tank split along the seam and now leaks gas if I fill more than halfway.

I called and got information on the recall and they asked for my serial number and said it was "too old". Bunch of poop!!

So they offered to sell me a new one for a price of a brand new mower. No way!!

I tried sealing it with no luck. Anyone know of a place to get an old tank for this mower. Yes, I checked FleaBay and Craigslist and found nothing. I would even consider putting one of the commercial tanks on there to keep it going.

I saw one on ebay that might fit for 28 dollars. Go to ebay and enter "lawn boy shroud"
