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29HP water-cooled Kawasaki versus 35 HP air-cooled Vanguard




I'm looking to purchase a Lastec ZTR with a 73" articulating deck. I'm not interested in paying the sizable difference for the Kubota diesel, therefore, I'm left with either the liquid-cooled Kawasaki or the air-cooled B&S Vanguard.

I'm told the Kawasaki will run quieter (and cooler) but I'm not so worried about the sound level as I live in the county. My biggest concern would be power and reliability. Would there be that much of a noticeable difference in power between the two engines? Is one more reliable than the other?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

BTW, I'm mowing about 2 - 2-1/2 acres with hills. I expect to add some more mowing acreage once I get my lake built later this year.




Having worked on both engines, they are both good engines and will do the job very well. That being said I would select the Kawasaki over the Briggs. Reason being I think the Kaw. would be better is that I feel it is a more reliable engine in that size. I also like the idea of water cooled over air cooled for the type of jobs you will be doing.




Short answer...Kawasaki.




Kawasaki - just be sure to blow the radiator clean with air regularly & change the coolant on schedule - you won't be disappointed.




Thanks for the quick replies thus far guys. I've really been leaning towards the Kawasaki but was concerned about the HP difference. Unfortunately, the demo they brought me yesterday has the Vanguard on it so I won't get to actually try the Kawasaki. I'm going to run it through it's paces on Saturday, regardless of the fact that my grass is hasn't grown much in the last two weeks. This drought is a killer!!!
