
May 27, 2015
I'm weighing the cost/benefit options of repowering my project Snapper RER. It has a standard OEM issue Tecumseh TVXL195-150241 which is 15 years old. I'm still working on getting it repaired. I was amazed to see it burned 6oz of oil mowing a acre of grass.

Can anyone make suggestions on new engine interchanges? I have another Snapper 38083 that was repowered by my father-in-law years ago with a Series 195700 series Briggs and Stratton 8HP. That engine is marvelous and I wish I could find one of the same for this newer Snapper (... but B&S changes engines like diapers thanks to CARB AND EPA).

From the research I've done so far it looks to me that B&S has a cornered market for vertical shaft 8HP engines. I won't go into their EPA forced shape shifting from HP ratings to torque values.

Any road, the 21R series of B&S engines look like the outcome I'll end up with. The Tecumseh literature leads me to believe that most repower options with a 1" shaft, and a 8" or 10" BC will fit. I read here that another member repowered with a 21 HP because he found a good price. I want to say at 8HP but know that many newer snappers come OEM with a 10 or 10.5 Intek. Footnotes tell me that at 85% HP that would be 8.5HP actual (old standards) since engine manufacturers are NOW required to label engines 95% of the stated HP (new standards). Just another level of government confusion added which I really didn't want to learn about in this learning adventure.

What have some of you folks repowered with and why did you go with that option?