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227 Weak left side drive




I have a 07 Grasshopper 227 I had just bought a couple months ago. The previous owner said the left side was feeling weak and had the hydro pump and hoses replaced. Unfortunately this side is still weak. Could there be air in the lines? How do I purge? Is the pump still bad or has the drive motor gone bad? Is there anyway to diagnose either of these. It’s not a linkage issue either. The left side is terribly slow and unresponsive. Would any appreciate any help, Thanks!!




They are supposed to be self-bleeding. I had similar issue with my 2011 930D2 mower. Looked at belt tension and weak side was loose. Turned out someone replaced belts to both, but over-tightened sheave pivot bolt on L side. That caused that belt to gradually become looser as it aged and stretched. Backing off the nut a half turn fixed the problem. Now spring can keep proper tension on drive belt when it ages and stretches.




Just a shot, check linkage. I have 2 GH725D, both acted like that and linkage to shaft on hydro was slipping and was acting like weak hydro.
