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2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question




2000 DC XW2500 tbox leaking oil. Can the seal be replaced? If so can it be done from under mower by removing just the pulley. Gears in box are good. Bearing seams to be good but I do not know if the seal is made into the bearing. Any help always appreciated. Thanks Mike




No the seal is not made onto the bearing. Yes you can remove the bottom seal with the T-Box still on the mower. The part no is 788099. It is a peerless part. Don't buy it from Dixie Chopper it is $41 and some change. You should be able to get if for less than $20.




2000 DC XW2500 tbox leaking oil. Can the seal be replaced? If so can it be done from under mower by removing just the pulley. Gears in box are good. Bearing seams to be good but I do not know if the seal is made into the bearing. Any help always appreciated. Thanks Mike
No the seal is not made onto the bearing. Yes you can remove the bottom seal with the T-Box still on the mower. The part no is 788099. It is a peerless part. Don't buy it from Dixie Chopper it is $41 and some change. You should be able to get if for less than $20.
So it is held in with a snap ring? Just remove the snap ring pull the old one out put the new one in correct? Thanks for the info!




No the snap ring holds the bearing in not the seal. Nothing holds the seal in but the intererence fit in the T-Box. One thing you should look at, make sure it is the seal that is leaking. There is an o ring on each side of the T-Box where the pumps bolt on. Over time the heating cooling and expansion and contraction can cause the o ring to shrink and cause them to leak. They are part no. 4421221 takes two.


Tiger Small Engine

Tiger Small Engine

No the snap ring holds the bearing in not the seal. Nothing holds the seal in but the intererence fit in the T-Box. One thing you should look at, make sure it is the seal that is leaking. There is an o ring on each side of the T-Box where the pumps bolt on. Over time the heating cooling and expansion and contraction can cause the o ring to shrink and cause them to leak. They are part no. 4421221 takes two.
I am sure you have to remove the gear box, take it apart, and install seal. Lots of work. Put some 00 Cornhead grease in the gear box and keep mowing.




Tiger I don't want rain on your parade I work on these things daily have installed many bottom seals in the T-Box. You do not have to take the T-Box off to put the seal in.




Tiger I don't want rain on your parade I work on these things daily have installed many bottom seals in the T-Box. You do not have to take the T-Box off to put the seal in.
Do you drain the oil first? I would think that need be done to keep the oil mess down depending on the bearing is getting oiled. Just thinking about keeping the shop floor clean.




Tiger I don't want rain on your parade I work on these things daily have installed many bottom seals in the T-Box. You do not have to take the T-Box off to put the seal in.
Is there a trick to getting the old seal out?
I was thinking using a screwdriver and prising it out. Or maybe even a small cutter pliers and cutting one notch through it and pulling it out. Thanks for all the great info! I’ll let you know how it goes later this week!




Is there a trick to getting the old seal out?
I was thinking using a screwdriver and prising it out. Or maybe even a small cutter pliers and cutting one notch through it and pulling it out. Thanks for all the great info! I’ll let you know how it goes later this week!
Thanks HLW49 for all the info I really appreciate it! Happy Father’s Day to everyone!




I take a sharp pin punch and peirce a hole in it then take a dry wall screw and thread it in the hole. Then take a small claw hammer and pull it out. Good luck. Thanks




Whatever you do be careful not to damage the shaft or the seal mount area for it will leak if you do.

These plain metal housed seals are a pain to get out at times. Even the so call seal pullers are the local auto parts house failed. They were at warranted so I got my money back for a failed tool. And it failed pulling one those rubber coated seals.




You would have to try really hard to damage either with this seal. It has a large outside diameter and small shaft hole lots of area to work with. But do be careful. If it is really hard to get out you can use two screws opposite each other.




You would have to try really hard to damage either with this seal. It has a large outside diameter and small shaft hole lots of area to work with. But do be careful. If it is really hard to get out you can use two screws opposite each other.





So I am uncertain how to remove what looks like some sort of snap ring. See picture. Pulley will not budge off of shaft. How can I remove snap ring or whatever is holding the pulley on?
Please help asap. Thanks




So I was able to cut the pulley off and replace the oil seal from underneath the mower without having to remove the tbox! Thanks to everyone for all the input! It is much appreciated! Getting the seal out by using a drill and small bit to punch a hole in the seal put in a dry wall screw just enough to grab the seal used a hammer and it poppers right out. Bearing looked fine no play. Installed new seal and new pulley and we are good! Can’t say how much I appreciate the help from you guys!
