I'm about to pull the trigger on a new Stihl backpack blower. The BR 450 and BR 600 have very similar specs and the price is within $20. The main difference is the BR 450 is a 2 stroke. I know you still have to mix oil in the Stihl 4 stroke models, but I don't care about that. My concern is life expectancy, maintenance, and ease of starting. Opinions please!
How does the weight compare ? I know 4 stroke outboards are 10-15% heavier than 2 strokes .
Mowermedic1 on youtube just did a good video on the stihl 4mix engines.. he works on quite a bit of them.
The 4 mix engines are good and they deliver good power. If reliability is a concern then the 2 stroke engines are generally more reliable due to having no valves to adjust or cam to break which does happen on the 4 mix engines.