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17hp intek spewing oil




my riding mower runs and mows problem im having is it spews oil out of the filler tube and vacuum hoses like i have too much oil in it. problem is i dont anyone have any ideas??




Three things come to mind. One is the breather or hose is clogged not allowing excess pressure in the crankcase from excaping. Two is a blown head gasket causing excessive crankcase pressure.Three would a bad seal is allowing air into the crankcase leading to pressure problems.

the crankcase on an engine has to run in a vacuum to keep the oil in it. All of the above is true pending that the oil level in the engine is correct and is not being diluted by gas leaking into the engine when it is not running leading to high oil level.




I thought hose was clogged so I capped vacuum hose abttached to dipstick tube and reattached new one into valve cover. After about half hour of mowing noticed oil dripping from vacuum hose attached on bottom of fuel pump is there another hose attached to engine to allow pressure to escape other than that one thanks for your input.




You should have a hose that goes to the fuel pump and another hose that goes from the engine block that attaches someplace on the air cleaner mount. the hose that attaches to the air cleaner mount will be attached to the block either behind the carb or top of engine around the flywheel. that attachment point is the breather for the engine. If has a fiber disc in it to seal the crankcase and to relieve excess pressure. I have seen the disc vanish before or stick shut and both of those cases will cause excessive oil leakage.




Thanks will check that out and let you know how it works out !




As ILENGINE suggests quite correctly, some very good points.

I am also an MST with Briggs and I would bet money its a head hasket starting to go, causing positive crankcase pressure... Very common




Ok I ran compression check on engine holds 95psi steady never fluctuating. Checked and cleaned all breather tubes all are clear. Mower runs mows and overall works perfectly except for oil spewing out of breather tube under fuel pump any more ideas. Oh yeah drained oil and refilled to specs just in case dipstick is wrong.




head gasket is blown,




How hard is it to replace the head gasket on this motor




Remove the blower housing. Remove the intake manifold, remove the exhaust pipe, remove the valve cover, remove the head. Reverse to reassemble.




Really easy maybe 1.5 hours . Take pictures or put all the parts in a baggy .
