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10313 update


Fireman 123

Fireman 123

Rebuilt carb,fuel shut-off valve, new air filter, and plug. She runs like a champ. On the down side, the fuel tank has a leak. I'll find a replacement, and then she'll be ready for a new home.





Rebuilt carb,fuel shut-off valve, new air filter, and plug. She runs like a champ. On the down side, the fuel tank has a leak. I'll find a replacement, and then she'll be ready for a new home.

Isn't the fuel tank built into the shroud?

And therefore it's hard to find one that's an exact match??? :confused2:

That's one thing about the design on these things that I don't care for. Interestingly, the commercial mowers -- at least the older ones -- had separate gas tanks.


Fireman 123

Fireman 123

Yes it's one piece. There's another mower with the same shroud at the cycle shop/boneyard that I'll pick up and hopefully it won't be a leaker.




Hopefully you'll get that replacement tank! :smile:

And if not, there are always those things you can buy that supposedly stop leaks. Though I'm a bit skeptical. :rolleyes:




Yes it's one piece. There's another mower with the same shroud at the cycle shop/boneyard that I'll pick up and hopefully it won't be a leaker.


I wish I had a shop like that near me.
