
  1. B

    Fuel Tank Has Been Invaded

    Working on a LT1045, new to me. I was having fuel feed issues so after all the usual suspects were cleared, i.e. carb, fuel pump, flow from tank(trickle) I peeked inside the tank with my borescope and found trash from the fill cap sealing gasket and a fuel nozzle! This was a first for me.:LOL...
  2. A

    Gas tank bracket attaching from older Briggs to new one.

    Trying to add a gas tank from my older Briggs motor (Model 217802) onto a new Briggs E1150 engine that came without a fuel tank attached. Any help with how to mount the bracket that attaches to the tank from the old motor to the new one would be appreciated.
  3. H

    Leaking 2006 Silver Eagle gas tank

    Gas tank is leaking right at the gas line connection. I have replaced the grommet four times using grommets from different suppliers (they all look the same) but still get a steady drip. I even tried using a bolt-on wheel valve stem with the valve removed. That works better, but I still have a...
  4. B

    Stihl HS74 fuel tank rotten

    Looking to purchase a Stihl new or used fuel tank part number 4226 350 0401 but, can't find one. What are people using as a substitute?
  5. J

    TB30R Fuel Tank Access

    I have TroyBilt TB30R (13B226JD066 (2015) rear engine mower. I've it for about 9 years. The fuel tank vent lines (2 lines) are running from the top fitting above the carberator toward the fuel tank. Anyone have any experience in removing the top fender/cowl to expose the fuel tank? A diagram...
  6. G

    internal expansion tank Hydro gear

    High Everyone, I'm new here. Just needed some opinions. I have just bought a lawn tractor with the Hydro gear 3400. It has the internal expansion tank. I mow very steep land which puts a lot of strain on the transmissions. Am I worrying unnecessarily or are the new transmissions with the...
  7. Z

    Old carb and fuel tank

    Cleaning out the garage and I'm getting rid of things I won't need. I have an old mower carb and metal fuel tank. Very little rust inside. I don't know what it is from. It was something my dad saved for about 30 years. See pics. If you want any more pics, let me know. There are no model numbers...
  8. Sundrop

    93502 Gas tank & carburetor replacement

    I have a b&s model 93502 Type: 0200-01 Code: 82011501 This is on an old snapper that i used for years until the gas tank got a hairline crack and was put under my building for 25+ years. I’m wanting to replace the carburetor & fuel tank with one of these...