lawn boy

  1. C

    Old Lawn boy will not run

    Hi I have a 15 year old Lawn boy walk-behind mower that will run for 3-5 minutes and then dies. I pushed the bulb that feeds gas to the carburetor (No Choke) and it does run for a few more minutes. I have removed the float bulb, flushed out the gas, and that made it run for about 30 minutes...
  2. M

    Lawn Boy 10322 6.5 hp Silver series, I hate to ask for help.. but I need some collective wisdom

    Hello all, I am running into a similar issue I saw posted a couple days ago and hoped to pick up some info. Live in KY too... have a 10323 with 6.5 Silver Duraforce and it has run perfectly up until about 2 weeks ago where it started making an odd rattling noise.. then it backfired and spit out...
  3. B

    Lawn boy model 10605 self propelled mower belts replacement

    My neighbor lady has this mower and while using the transmission belt broke so the self propelled stopped. I told her I would be glad to replace the belt for her and took it home. I took the covers off and lo and be hold there are 2 bels, a drive belt and transmission belt. You have to take the...
  4. beg

    Lawn Boy 320 snowblower

    auger wont turn freely with the belt on belt alignment issue? auger and bearings are good also belt which is new 34.75x3/8 keeps coming off pulley I did swap the motor off of a ccr1000 but they look to be the same crank and pulley setup what is going on?
  5. B

    lawn boy 10515 drive wheel problem

    Hi everyone I tore my 1994 gold series down including the rear wheels and transmission to repaint the deck I took pictures and thought I put it all back together correctly but noe when I tried to move it it free wheels going forward and lock.s up pulling backwards. I've not started it yet thus...
  6. I

    Lawn Boy 10304 on/off cable

    I have a Lawn Boy model 10304 self propelled mower that still runs great. But the cable that goes from the control bail to the engine (shuts off the engine when released) is broken. I can't seem to find one that looks like mine anywhere on line. The end of mine has a large pear shaped lead...
  7. K

    Lawn Boy 10302 throttle linkage orientation

    Hi All, Took apart a new to me lawn boy 10302 silver series self propelled from ‘93. I was told the primer bulb was broken so I took the carb apart and cleaned and reassembled. Bulb appears to be working. However I don’t see how the linkage goes back together, specifically the long rod. Does...