
  1. Diesel_Dude08

    Predator 9500 Generator backfiring on shutdown.

    Hello this is kind of the sequel to another post I made about a week ago regarding a predator 9500 generator backfiring on shutdown. I have been working on the unit for a family friend. He asked for a full service and a few repairs. One of his complaints was that the generator backfired on...
  2. M

    generac 006720 generator

    Got a Generac 0066720. Runs nice and smooth, but the governor is off. It was surging/hunting, and I adjusted the governor per directions I found on youtube. Loosen nut on governor arm, open throttle to full, gov arm fully in that direction, rotate gov shaft cw. It didn't move much, but now...
  3. Diesel_Dude08

    Predator 9500 Generator backfires like a shotgun on shutdown

    Hello, I have been working on a predator 9500 inverter generator for a family friend. He requested a full service along with a few small repairs. Customer was telling me that generator has been neglected, and oil hadn't been changed in a long time. The customer runs a concession business and...
  4. M

    Dewalt Generator

    My Champion 7500 watt generator was having problems, So picked up a Dewalt 8000/10000 ( Have read good reviews on this Gen) Gen for a upcoming storm Have a 8X8 shed that the Gen sits in hooked to a fuse panel. Have a exhaust pipe to vent gases and a exhaust fan. Hooked up the Dewalt ran...
  5. O

    Surging Generator Troubleshooting Help Needed

    A friend dropped off an ETQ TG-3600 he found at the curb and asked if I could get it running. Tank and carb were full of water so I cleaned everything up and generator surges no matter what I've tried. It surges on idle and under load. Here's whats been done. gen model ETQ TG-3600 engine...
  6. O

    10hp Briggs on coleman pwrmate generator leaking oil from governor shaft.

    at this point , i am thinking i need to split engine / generator and replace worn gov shaft and crankcase. the engine runs great, gen makes power. i realize there is no seal, or o-ring... and the shaft needs to swing freely. any ideas? am i on the right track replacing worn out crank case half...
  7. J

    Generator not taking load

    This is a generic question. I have a portable generator that bogs down when a large load is placed on it. I have checked the governor movement and linkage all is fine. Any suggestions generator puts out correct voltage it is a 5500 watt genetic.
  8. S

    Coleman 2500 generator running good, then bad, then not at all

    I have a Coleman 2500 generator with a 5 horsepower Tecumseh. it was running rough, but after I changed the oil, it was running perfect. I put it away for 2 months. got it out again started it... it was running rough. I took it apart cleaned the carburetor float assembly, put it back together...
  9. Craftsman Garage

    Honda Generator no power

    I got a 70s Honda EG1000 generator from my neighbor that had been sitting in a barn for years. Got it running a while ago and noticed no sign of power coming from it. Tried the 110 outlets and nothing. I’m totally new to generators so let me know where to start TIA
  10. J

    Tecumseh model HM100 10hp 5000W generator Electric start conversion

    I have a Coleman Powermate 5000W Year 2006 with Tecumseh model HM100 10hp generator with pull start I would like to install an electric start to this using a 12V battery Can you just get a conversion kit ? Or can you give me the parts numbers of the following. I need the ring gear for the...
  11. D


    Good Morning, I have a RYOBI 6500 Watt generator, RY906500S / 099930624, generator seems to start and run well until I put a load on it. Then it stalls, backfires and goes into a complete freak out until I remove the load. I have used this machine for about a year with no problem. Any Ideas as...
  12. J

    Craftman Generator 6300 watt 11 HP

    Craftman Generator 6300 Watt with a Briggs Straton engine 11 HP , The model is 10T802 and the Type is 1130 B1 and the Code is 08031354 I rebuilt the engine 2 years ago and it run fine and it was use for 5 days in a row last year with no problem. But there is a small thing that it always did...
  13. Craftsman Garage

    Honda Generator parts

    I was given a 1970s ish Honda EG1000 generator which I have found has no spark and needs a carburetor. The problem I am having is figuring out what Honda engine this is (GX160, GX190, etc) so I can order the proper parts. Can I even get these parts or are they not made anymore? I am fine with an...
  14. D

    RYOBI Generator.

    Good Morning, I have a RYOBI 6500 Watt generator, RY906500S / 099930624, generator seems to start and run well until I put a load on it. Then it stalls, backfires and goes into a complete freak out until I remove the load. I have used this machine for about a year with no problem. Any Ideas as...
  15. O

    In search of generator manual

    I'm looking for the manual the goes with an older ETQ generator. I've looked high and low and have come up empty. ETQ TG3600 Thank to all who reply