Changed carbs adjusted valves still the same thing hunts real bad only runs with choke half on. Changed carb head gasket and lapped the babes still hunts an dies without choke on
This is my first experience with Briggs auto choke with a wind vain and I can’t make it work right no matter what I try..
the thermostat does not work fast enough.. you have to hold the choke open until it gets good and warm..
I replaced the thermostat and adjusted it properly..
It take...
First, I'm not a mechanic - just a fairly handy homeowner. I hoping someone here might be able to help.
I'm trying to fix my Husqvarna YTH24V48 riding lawn mower with a 44r877 Briggs and Stratton engine. The carb kit, oem part number 593392, works with the B&S "Chok-a-matic" system (which I...
FasTrak 54; Kawasaki FH641V-BS31-R; mower would not start and I saw the choke link had come off the carburetor swivel plate. I don't find part diagrams that show the connection piece, just the link. See photos. Any advice is appreciated.
This engine mounted on a SxS will only idle if on full choke. Runs fine at full throttle, but immediately dies if even slightly taken off choke. Have adusted valve clearances, replaced spark plug, checked compression which is 95 and is within range for this engine. Have replaced carb, all...
Hi team
Kubota GS 200 5.5 hp motor
It has been sitting around for about a year with the fuel tap open.
Just cleaned the carbie.
It starts and runs, with choke on - but stops once choke is opened.
Any ideas please.
The engine started surging after running and cutting for about 10 minutes. RPMs up and down and then had to engage choke to keep it running but RPMs would still hunt and then it would die.
I installed:
New carburetor
New air filter
New fuel lines
New fuel pump
New fuel filter
New gas
Removed and...
I have a C/Cadet XT1 LT46. I think it's a 22 HP Kohler. In order to start the mower, I need to push up on the choke lever momentarily and it will start right up. I'm assuming that there was a linkage or spring that came off. Can someone confirm this for me? How and to where does the linkage...
I have had a hard time starting my lawnmower and it would start but sporadically. I discovered that the choke valve lever on the carburetor was stiff, it moves but not easily. The valve moves but not easily. When I pull the choke it lifts the lever and closes the valve but when the choke is...
Hi all,
I’m case anybody finds this useful.
I have a Stiga Park 520P 2019 model
Engine is B&S INTEK 4185 (500cc single)
Symptom was not starting but starter turning over. I found the 3rd fuse ‘Service’ (10A) was blown and also blew any replacement fuse as the output was going to ground (<2...