bad boy

  1. J

    Comments about Bad Boy diesel mower

    I've been mowing with a Dixie Chopper Silver Eagle for nearly 10 years and have been looking at the Bad Boy 61" diesel. I don't know anyone with a Bad Boy and would like to hear comments about Bad Boys diesels. And also in general about how these mowers stand to bumpy terrain. Thanks, John
  2. Uncletodd

    2012 Bad Boy 28hp Diesel Pro Series 3cyl Cat Need a ROPS

    2012 Bad Boy 28hp Diesel Pro Series 3cyl Cat Need a ROPS unit (not fixed). Part No. 089-0003-00 I am in Hempstead Texas and just acquired this ZT mower. The original owner scrapped his ROPS for some reason. In any event I need one and new is not an option for me. Its a 2x3 folding model. Send...