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  1. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    Problem solved -- thanks everybody for your help. Indeed, the cable was attached at the wrong place. I went to home depot looked at a JD tractor there and the attached picture is how it is supposed to be hooked up. I easily moved the cable to this attachment point and everything works fine...
  2. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    Yes, the JD mower has slots for a choke and throttle but only a throttle lever as the engine was replaced with the one with the choke o matic. The page you attached looks like what the original engine would have looked like. I would love to get a service manual for my current engine. I...
  3. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    The engine is a 20hp Intek twin. 40N877-0004. The tractor is an L120 about 10-12 years old. As far as the direction of the cable, I would expect the cable to "Pull" the lever and not "push" it as it currently does. I don't see any way of reversing this. As far as something falling out, etc...
  4. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    The choke isn't binding as I can easily push that up with my finger. What is hard to move is where the red arrow is in the photo. Where I push to move the choke isn't shown in these photos. I was told that the engine was brand new when I bought the tractor which is 10 years old. It shows no...
  5. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    Thanks again. I've attached a couple of photos so you can see what I mean by a bend. The cable moves easily to the point where the mechanism, which engages the choke, needs to turn and then it won't go any farther unless I push with my finger on the place where the red arrow is. It takes...
  6. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    Thanks for the help. This is indeed the problem. However, the cable is "weak" and bends a little when in fully throttle position and the choke lever is not pushed up. I'll see if I can adjust it to engage the choke. If not, I'll need a new cable -- but, they're not cheap!
  7. B

    Briggs 20hp intek choke o matic not working

    The choke o matic doesn't work. I have to manually push the choke up to start the engine. What is required to correct the operation of the choke o matic?