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  1. Padroo

    Homemade striping kit.

    My wife is happy with her new Ferris IS 3200Z except it doesn't stripe as well as her old TORO. The Ferris came with the rubber flap type attached to the back of the deck and all I can say is that it is there. I made one for her TORO many years ago attached to the back of the 52 inch deck and...
  2. Padroo

    Dress up my Ferris IS3200Z

    I saw some pictures of Zero radius mowers with hubcaps on them and when I got to the dealer he had hubcaps made for a Bad Boy Outlaw in both the 12" and 6" size. They were on the pricey side but they made those Ferris gray wheels look like mag wheels. What do ya think. The front wheels take a...
  3. Padroo

    I'm the new guy

    I found your forum after I bought a new Ferris IS3200 last week for my wife. It is the 32 HP 61 inch ICD deck, with a striping kit and mulching kit. I always say if you want a perfect lawn, buy your wife a good mower.:smile: Her old zero turn was a TORO 52 in. commercial mower with a 23 hp...