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  1. P

    My TB30R cuts to short on highest setting.

    Maybe thatch is not the right word. Thick may be. Since finding a good lawn spraying company the grass has never been so lush, green and weed free. It's like a thick pile carpet now and runners are now showing scalped after a cut that are laying on top. I should get a pic and post here once I...
  2. P

    My TB30R cuts to short on highest setting.

    3 1/2" is the standard for our Floratam. The thatch is so tall now my edger has to work hard to make the cut. By the way, a battery powered Ryobi sucks at edging, leaving ragged edges. But, the 4-cycle Robyi powers through leaving a nice even edge.
  3. P

    My TB30R cuts to short on highest setting.

    First thing I do and this weren't his issue but good reminder for sure.
  4. P


    Found this!
  5. P

    My TB30R cuts to short on highest setting.

    I came here today to find an answer to this also for my neighbor. A search for tb30r found you here. Larger tires...hmm..not a cheap option and why doesn't it cut the same height on the highest setting as my Craftsman 1100 is what I'd like to know. Maybe the difference is the tires. Here is what...
  6. P

    Let's talk about blade sharpening?

    How many of us have machine shop training and file skills? I am with you on this. Only when the blade goes too long without filing do I need to pull out the ole grinding wheel and motor to true up that blunted edge. Then, a few strokes to smooth the cut and knock the burrs off. Yes, to a finely...
  7. P

    Comment by 'Pstreicher' in media 'IMG_20180813_103827.jpg'

    A beautiful picture!
  8. P

    Comment by 'Pstreicher' in media 'Old Snapper Mower'

    Wow! I had one of these. Had to take the self propel mechanism off as it had fallen apart and I had not spare parts. I like the white paint job on the top. Good job!
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  17. My Sears Craftman Tractor

    My Sears Craftman Tractor

    I bought a tractor from Sears as the design really caught my attention. It didn't have all that sheet metal wrapped around like most. This one was basic and sleek and stood out to me. I made an enhancement to it that I think Sears might want to get the manufacturer to consider for future models. See
  18. P

    Looking for a 30" Lawn Tractor, any recommendations?

    Looking for a 30" Lawn Tractor, any recommendations? Thanks