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    Briggs 16 HP I/C

    a 10 % rise would be expected normal wet. Not prior comment on gauge and speed of rotation and number of compression cycles.

    Comments about Bad Boy diesel mower

    I am a warranty service center and they are a tank, few issues ever. I cannot comment on the diesel model as not seen one. I have 4 Tractor Supply stores that we have done warranty on several products but Bad Boy had 2 early warranties that have been redesigned.

    B&S 675 Series Camshaft Problems? Overheat? What did I do?

    First, an excellent job of reporting the digest of failure. two key points: 1) The cool down may have refused the timing gear to spring the valves while exploring valve motion, usually without compression so motion would not be hindered by other than valve springs. 2) The cam gear also may have...

    Engine quits

    I have read most but fail to find "Check the oil"!!!! And a few posts will not reveal the root cause. A few have good feedback. I guess even this post might be of little value. Words can be misleading. When it trys to crank, are cables hot, what is battery voltage, is starter hot, how does this...

    Tecumseh LV195SE lawn mower engine won't start.

    That level of compression will make things very very difficult to get it to start. the speed of piston moment makes a difference in firinng time compression. In our shop, we do a slow pull and feel the compression. If little resistance, no need to go farther. It's dead.

    by passing starter solenoid

    You indicated there is a solenoid on the starter. As you were already told, the solenoid shifts the drive into the flywheel, thus you cannot eliminate the solenoid. Take the advice of someone who has rebuilt thousands of starters. if it is a Denso starter, the contacts may solve it. If you...

    Parts for old mower engine

    Replacement engine information ( read to the bottom): no exact engine replacement, so per the noted: drop the ...1-e1: Your local B&S dealer can help you further. The other spec details may be a better fit - again, local dealer...

    XT2 Engine Pulley Removal

    Our record was 13 hours getting one off - a double stack with manual pto. when we get a drive belt replacement requesting a quote I exclude the pulley removal.

    Staling 2002 Cub Cadet 2166 w/16 HP Kohler Command

    I assume it is fuel related but the first step is to confirm this. Get a cheap inline spark checker and see if as it quits the ignition is still firing spark. If so now go after a fuel related problem. Beyond what has been done, float, fuel pump if present, water in fuel system, if gravity feed...

    Ferris 400S Series RPM

    Do not run again till a " Static governor adjustment" is performed. then adjust the governed speed to 3600 rpm. I would recommend buying the service manual rather than me describing the adjustment in text but this is the rule: throttle of carb at full wide open and held during adjustment. The...

    Air filters

    I agree. I have been doing small engines for over 50 years. If installed properly, no issues found. What engine model are we taking about. There are a few that can be confusing where the filter can be put in upside down and the dirty side is facing the wrong way and filtering does not then work...

    Constant flooding

    Get a Stens 120-444 fuel filter in the line. It acts like dirt continues to invade the float and defeat the needle/seat. Also add Marvels Mystery Oil or 2 cycle oil to the gas. Ethanol is a solvent and makes the float valve stick, a bit of oil in the gas helps lube the needle so that it will...

    I'm At A Loss!!!

    It is a fuel pump. Oil emitted from that or lines means one of several issues. The breather controls crankcase vacuum. If it fails as a check valve, excessive loss of crankcase vacuum happens and flow increases with it able to carry a mist of oil out the line thru the pump and usually on to the...

    Oil coming out fuel pump

    The breather may be not performing the check valve function, thus crankcase can be under pressure. I feel this system, its flow or head gasket is where the issue is but also the valve cover seal if bad can vent in as can any other gasket to crankcase vent in to defeat vacumn.

    Bad boy revolt not charging

    You may find all is good, just need to allow the battery voltage to grow from a low level to full. Put on a charger. measure key on engine off, key on engine running. If an increase, system is charging.

    Cub Cadet zero turn ZT1 50" no start, just clicks and solenoid tests good.

    Lots of ideas! You do not have a solenoid coil balance tester, so solenoid was not really tested. solenoid, flywheel, battery, terminals, cables, valve lash/rocker arms, hydro lock, seized, and I might come up with a dozen more. Pull the plugs and start by seeing if it cranks over.

    FR691v loss of power/backfire

    Still probable fuel delivery. Do not forget throttle level means nothing of carb throttle opening as the governor changes throttle opening to attempt to maintain the same rpm. Most carbs have a low speed and a high speed circuit. Most twins will come to almost full speed without a load using...

    Increasing rear tire size on Toro 42 inch Timecutter

    I would have tried 9 PSI first! and learning about zero turn traction issues. Talk to a seasoned operator who operates on side slopes. Zero turn = zero traction in comparison to a tractor when backing and spot turning and most noticed backing up a slope.

    Mower Blows 20 amp fuse when PTO when PTO is engaged

    I was about to post similarly and thankful for this correct post. Now on to diagnosis. After checking that coil resistance, still with the fuse out and the coil disconnected, ( and the battery disconnected just for safety of the odd unknown), read the resistance of the balance of the tractors...

    Help finding magneto for craftsman rife on mower

    What you describe is a very common outcome. The starter doing more than designed to do, instead of 80-100 amps is cranking slow and less spark as a result and drawing 200-300 amps. It leads every one to think it is a failing starter. Eventually it is and replaced, but does not solve the problem...

    27HP Command Pro running issues

    Float, needle and seat in carb.

    No Oil on top end.

    Not all small engines pump oil to valve chamber, instead that area is splash lubed thru the channels of the push rods. Why do you feel you have no oil pressure and what sent you lookig for it's loss?

    FD 731v not Fr731v as I always type. Edited ... Starts but dies suddenly

    When a small engine quits suddenly, it is often spark not fuel. The Kawasaki 's most often have a trigger on the side of the block easily replaced which can be intermittent. you can buy a cheap inline spark neon bulb to watch if the spark disappears when it quits.

    Help finding magneto for craftsman rife on mower

    Battery, cables, starter or valve adjustment. If valves have not been adjusted and have worn .002" loser than original, the decompression is not going to work, the starter and battery cannot withstand the additional compression and it acts like battery or starter or discharge more than can...

    Help finding magneto for craftsman rife on mower

    143.008501 HM85-155851B Tecumseh the conversion can be found on my website page: under sears.

    Problems with compression test.

    Lets get to the basic reason of plugs out and battery charged. rotational rpm increase wil increase the reading significantly. A quick test we perform on recoil start engines is a slow pull and at tdc if little resistance, the rings and cylinder or valves are leaking a bit to maybe to much...

    Scag Turf Tiger battery not charging

    At some point up front you mentioned a new engine. There can be a chassis to engine variation in harness parts and a need to get an adapter so each wire in that bulk connector is proper.

    Briggs auto choke..

    tHE SPRING IS A TINY THING AND THE PARTS BREAKDOWN IS CONFUSING AND THE WRONG SPRING IS OFTEN SUPPLIED OR REFERENCED. The air flow pushes the vane and also the choke off as rpm rises. If a manual throttle, and it obtains full rpm but choke is not off, the thermostat has no impact under this air...

    Ryobi ZT480E - No Movement, but blades turn on.

    We have had a warranty repair with similar issues which was the drive controller.

    Ryobi ZT480E - No Movement, but blades turn on.

    So in our shop, we work on anything I can get in the shop. We are a bit more electrical savvy as rotable rebuilders (starters, alternators and generators). Because of this open attitude, we do get some jobs referred from other shops, over 100 OEM's we are authored for, and nearly all generators...

    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    The color f the spark tells you about the weather, not the value of the spark. Spark jumping the proper gap is proper spark but I suspect your flywheel key is partially or totally sheared changing the timing of the spark.

    Run at Full Throttle? Pt 2

    I agree with prior info but wanted to add some feedback. The reason to run the engine at full throttle is a faster and therefor greater hydrostatic pump volume to do the work. That means the foot pedal slant will move less from neutral which drastically reduces Hydro motor wear. That said, in...

    Stens going to a credit card only payment system.

    I do a lot of biz with them and immediately wrote my complaint and warning that I will be looking to source changes. I have been with Stens, Arrowhead, J&N, for a long time. Since AH bought the others out, the changes have been ok till now. Hell, I was buying from Ariens before they sold out to...

    2023 Briggs & Stratton XR 13.5 - Bubbles in fuel...

    Most of the above is a good round up, but I have to add my most significant belief. Assuming the engine was running or recently shut down hot in your video, we have hot fuel boiling, or more commonly called vapor lock in a pressurized system like on cars. Since a gravity feed, two causes of...

    Kohler 14hp K321S help

    An inline detection of the coil / plug will most likely show a missfire. Now to find the cause. is it the plug - try another new one. inline at output of coil to high tension lead - replace wire if not seen coming out of coil. If seen missing coming out of coil _ dada - replace coil.

    44P777 Engine Pulley

    I have one that we spent 13 hours removing it in pieces. I wish OEM's would use never seize on these. It came in pieces and I suggest you order one now. I redirect prior comments in this fashion. 1) get a can of freeze 2) EVEN A PROPANE WILL HELP 3) heat pulley then hit crankshaft with freeze it...

    Unintelligent people.

    same 3 times this spring - put gas in a unit here to fix, it starts and runs - what a surprise!

    16.5 hp Briggs and Stratton I turn the ignition switch and flywheel only turns 1/4 of the way around and stops. If I keep turning the key eventually

    I would bet $1111111111 this is the answer to your problem. Adjust the valves. You can get the manual for your engine.

    bad boy magnum help needed..

    stuff under deck preventing blades from freely moving. to change the sticks center point, an adjustment of top half of sticks versus the bottom where by you do not change the bottom but move top where it is comfy. Ignore the noise except under almost all operation, engine at top speed. Exception...

    Briggs Vtwin backfiring constantly

    I put my money on that cheap carb. Not money well spent and often a mis match part with incorrect jetting.

    Husqvarna YTH1842 compression issue?

    Part of the problem is just that, insufficient or inaccurate diagnostics and symptoms up front with little identity of product. Hard to get these facts clear in writing. In fact the first post needs to be precise for me to bother unless I see a train wreck in the responses

    Husqvarna YTH1842 compression issue?

    So wrong to give this advise. in fact engines are made cheaper by design by using ACR or a cam lobe pre TDC lift so that a cheaper battery and starter and smaller cables and charging system can be used. If no compression release is done the system will have a very hard time cranking past TDC or...

    Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue

    It is not all cost. A few years back, B&S production was sold out for a year and a half and left many Chassis OEM's hunting for engines. In the years along that time, seeing a market to fill, many new options sprang up and China was a major filler of the holes in needed production. They...

    Exmark Radius E series with 708 possible camshaft issue

    for you sake, I am hoping the push rod is either bent and not making contact to tappet or not seated on cam, off to the side resting on the block passage to tappet, otherwise is suggests there is a cam problem. Pull push rod out and check for being bent. Look into engine block push rod passage...

    Vanguard question

    to convert to gasoline is a mistake in my opinion.

    Help needed

    I seldom have to revert to blind replacement. As advised, buy the manual. Do some diagnostics, symptoms tell us many possible factors, diagnostics traces root cause and until root cause is found or fixed, no solution will happen and blind replacement may aggravate or cause more problems.

    Help with oil plug B&S 31P777

    B&S has lawn mower engines today that do not recommend oil changes over the life of the engine. I agree, as long as the level is maintained.

    Help with oil plug B&S 31P777

    The red circle is the location of the drain plug. Also, synthetic oil is over kill and wasted money in my opinion. Low oil casuess damage but in 50 years i HAVE ONLY SEEN 1 engine damaged from poor oil changes and that was caused by oil port pluggage.

    Great ethanol warning

    O My income loves ethanol. Repeat or returns are a problem because they get it home and add water, I mean gas to the tank and expect my effort solves everything forever.

    Hustler Sport PTO clutch doesn't release when blades clog

    Are you mulching? If so, let it discharge! If not, then check the bearings for each blade and each idler pully. Remove the belt and feel the bearings as you slowly rotate the blade or idler. Third, check the belt routing. Forth, if the clutch is the adjustable kind, an air gap is usually...