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  1. S

    LAWNMOWER BONEYARDS....possible new forum

    I have several mowers now of different heritage and am always looking for places to get used and newer parts. It might make a good new forum for posting where all you guys find your parts. I know a lot of these old machines are in somebody`s backyard and there are some business operations too...
  2. S

    New Machine in shed !

    I was looking at some online auctions going on Saturday and threw a cheap prebid on a Ford LGT-14d. I have been watching for one for months and had never seen one. Well lo and behold I won and should receive it later this week. I figured it would go much higher ....all diesel small Ford stuff...
  3. S

    Howdy from East Tennessee

    I stumbled on this forum researching all kinds of small tractor/big lawn tractor type stuff. I have got into this a year or so ago looking for small capable tractor to help keep up my 6 1/2 acre patch of ground. Do a little gardening, 1/4 mile of gravel driveway up keep....and in the last week...