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  1. bmarken

    Clover instead of grass...

    Hi. Wondering if Im gonna have a mix of white and red clover instead of grass on the new lawn.. Anybody know how high % of total area that can be clover, and still have a all year green lawn? I already have clover in the old lawn, but want alot in the new, as much as possible. Live close to...
  2. bmarken

    Hi! new guy from norway (lyngdal)

    Hi, Im new here, from norway, and I have a Western 8/32 ridemower, a jonsered pushmower and a mcculloch trimmer. If anyone have any info about the western, or know where I can find it, I would like to know :) I also have a good old stubborn tractor, fiat 45-66dt, it just keep going.. Heisann...