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  1. A

    Gas tank bracket attaching from older Briggs to new one.

    Thank you all for responding. I was able to figure this one out and made the transfer. Good group, I'm sure I'll need yr help in the future.
  2. A

    Gas tank bracket attaching from older Briggs to new one.

    The old Briggs is Model 217802 Type 0145 B1 code 0802147A and the new Briggs is Model 21R8070072G1 11.5 hp Type E1150.
  3. A

    Gas tank bracket attaching from older Briggs to new one.

    Trying to add a gas tank from my older Briggs motor (Model 217802) onto a new Briggs E1150 engine that came without a fuel tank attached. Any help with how to mount the bracket that attaches to the tank from the old motor to the new one would be appreciated.
  4. A

    Swisher engine replacement

    Trying to replace a Briggs model 217802 onto a Swisher 44 inch finish cut pull behind with a new Briggs 11.5 hp E1150 model and unsure what fuel tank to use since engine does not come with one. Also how to mount to the engine?