Oil is cheap , engines are not , do what you think is the right thing that way you will not make a mistake and only have one person to blame
Me , I would do 1 hr , 5 hrs , 10hrs then per the book , if thats not right can I blame you please ?
Alfred looks like it might kick some butt
One of the kids lives in Hervey Bay
Cub is 12 years old , just give it a blow-over and wipe after each mow
Hey Stepho_62 , what part of Aust are you in , Southern Highlands NSW here , good mower that Victa , I have a Victa Lawnkeeper with a Briggs motor and a Cub as per photo on the left
Odds are that Rover will have a Briggs motor , post a photo
As for Outback Trucker what a load of , that is
I would be gaining permission and monetary input because if they do not do something to alleviate a wash out the "right of way" will become a mini Grand Canyon after a decent rain
Ok , it looks like a new estate/development , I would fill the ditch with a heavy gravel about a metre/yard wide to stop wash away
Large river pebbles would look nice
That would solve a large part of your problem
I have one patch of small sticks and leaves that I mow last , they scour out any stuff stuck under the deck without doing any damage
Deck wash no way
I hear what you are saying but the Hydro-gear manual states that by using a full synthetic you double the change time I only use a regular oil in the engine
As for the air filters , I reverse vacuum the air filter gently and wash and re-oil the pre-cleaner after every mow and as Skippydiesel...
Just did the big service engine and hydro , oils , filters etc , ready for another lot of mowing
With the rain and heat the area is turning tropical and the grass is growing so fast
With all the rain now using anti-rust instead of personal deodorant
No its the pot-holes that make it a slow route , plus the 50kmh entering The Oaks
Reading that post about detergent oils made me think of the old Castrol slogan "Oils aint Oils"
I use the Castrol Magnatec 10w40 in my Cub (Kohler motor) , Victa (B&S motor) Chipper again B&S motor without any...
I am also located in Oz and use a premium quality 10w/40 oil it covers the diverse range of climate/temperature that I have to mow in
Been using that grade for over 20 years no problems yet !!!!!
Change the oil and go for a Full synthetic 20w/50 and it will be as sweet as a nut for another 100 hours then do it again , you and the hydro will love it and the hydro will last a long time
I have not read all your replies but what about this, this rim is leaking not the tyre , is it old rusty etc , if so that is where the air is slowly escaping
What about your Hydro , when was that last serviced
Take your old bearings and seals to a bearing supply company and they will match for you , I replaced my spindle bearings with Timkens
The contact cement took about a quarter of the time to re-assemble in preference to the grease
Also the grease can affect (soften) the barrels over time so they become ineffective
Take off the fender pan and access is quite good , as I said clean but also oil/grease any moving bits you see
It is a 2 person job and will take about 3 hours of slow but steady work
Do not worry at all , use the 2 best barrel holders and the other as a spacer behind the engine end mounting point
To hold the barrels in place just use a small spray of contact cement makes it dead easy to reassemble
Put the flat face towards the rear , use a good brand of Loctite (bolt...
About 50 hours is my season so do it on the meter
Have heard of Shreveport but it evades me as to why for the moment
We are on the East coast of Australia down in the Southern Highlands region about 100 miles south-west from Sydney
This service will have to wait a little while had a cataract out...
The season are opposite to the Northern Hemisphere , so we have a Summer Christmas not a white one
Pleasure to meet you what part of the North are you from (lol)
Did a big mow on Sunday and now the mower is due for its 250hr service , have got all the bits just need to do it
eBay $10.00 Aud free postage or $9.75 Aud $2.50 Aud inc postage
Aud is Australian Dollars , exchange rate is about .60cents US buys an Australian Dollar
So $6.00 dollars US for your plug