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  1. G

    Improving a mowers cutting ability??

    Does anyone know of a way to improve the cutting ability of an older mower? I have been told by many that you must improve the airflow to your deck and it will cut better. A lot of the new mowers claim to have vented decks that increase air flow, but what is this all about. Are there actually...
  2. G

    New Mower Help Needed!

    Hello all, I have been reading all the posts on which mowers are the best, but I was not able to have the following question answered: What mower is best suited for tall fescue grass? I believe that is what it is called. It is tall, with the top of the stalk being in the shape of a "v" and...
  3. G

    Battery keeps dying on me!

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to check to see if there is a draw on my battery? I spoke with a mechanic a while back and he mentioned to me about removing one of my battery cables and taking a test light, but I have a bad memory and he no longer works at the...