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  1. D

    FR691V with 120 hrs

    Feedback.. Replaced carburetor and all seems good. Thanks for response guys. Helped me to think through it. Also, my new power down procedure is to shut gas valve off and let it burn fuel for kill. Don’t know if that will help in the future but dirty carb=dirty gas in my mind.
  2. D

    FR691V with 120 hrs

    Thanks for the response. I have experienced this problem at different gas tank fill levels. Attached is what I have. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. D

    FR691V with 120 hrs

    Thanks for response. I ordered a new carburetor solenoid and installed. Engine started, ran for about 5 seconds and stopped dead. Tried restarting and it would not fire. Again, blew gas out of exhaust.
  4. D

    FR691V with 120 hrs

    Engine stalled during mowing. Would not start at all. Researching and discovered it could be valve adjustment issue. Got a feeler gauge and have all four valves adjusted to .004. It will start sometimes.. run about 3 seconds and stall. I try to restart and it blows a lot of raw gas out the...