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  1. T

    color themes

    How many here have color themes through out their gardens and yards? I am still thinking about this myself but I am not the best at setting colors. :laughing:
  2. T

    Mulching Kits?

    Has anyone here ever set one of these up? From what some other places are saying, like a mower social site I belong to, it "can be" tricky. Knowing my luck it will be like pulling teeth but its something we are thinking about since we will always have stuff to break down into mulch.
  3. T

    Bug/Fly Traps

    Does anyone here know of any non-chemical way to trap them besides sticky tape papers? I have used them in the past and I hate the mess they make when trying to unravel/re-ravel them.
  4. T

    Poulan Riding Mower Briggs 12.5 HP ES

    Some of the prices seem fairly reasonable but I am not really all that familiar with this brand (compared to others that is). Decent price a little less than a grand, but what about durability??
  5. T

    Hedge work

    For some of the best lawns I have seen the hedge work is almost like a work of art, but does it really take an artist to make something like that? I would love a split divider type but I am not sure I am that artsy.
  6. T

    What changed?

    I guess this has more to do with the damage we have done to our planet but I am still surprised at it. Twenty years ago I remember everyone had amazing yards, now we sometimes need to fight to keep that luscious grass growing. What gives?
  7. T

    Acceptable porch size

    Since this is the front porch and all I figure someone could help here. We are looking for something that will comfortably fit at least 4 adults on it, maybe with some rockers. What is a decent size for a porch? I ask since we are looking at homes and while searching online its easier to know...