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  1. C22094

    Broadmoor jerky reverse

    Unfortunately I found no "fix". I did confirm that if the suspension is temporarily defeated (used blocks of wood to block spring action), the problem disappeared. Apparently the way the linkage is designed allows vertical movement to affect the transmission control such that it will move from...
  2. C22094

    Broadmoor jerky reverse

    I also tried to personally talk directly to someone at Simplicity as I am not comfortable that the dealer accurately described the problem but their "customer service" was of little use. Not happy after spending over $7k.
  3. C22094

    Broadmoor jerky reverse

    Thanks for your response - Model 2691674. I have checked these items and the dealer is not really offering much assistance. Is there a source for an actual service manual (not the "user manual")?
  4. C22094

    Broadmoor jerky reverse

    I have a new Broadmoor 25/52 with suspension. When backing slowly down an incline it is very jerky as if I am applying the brake every foot or so (does not do this on level ground). The dealer contacted Simplicity and was told this is due to the shock absorber suspension (which makes no sense to...