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  1. oologahan

    B&S Opposed Twin Fuel Problem

    Have you replaced the filter and its in line the right direction?
  2. oologahan

    Ariens GT14H twins

    I've had these for close to ten years, both I bought in Iowa and brought to Oklahoma, probably the most underrated of the vintage garden tractors other than the Wheel Horse D series ( I have two of those as well)
  3. oologahan

    Bad Boy Pump Replacement

    Just had a brain fart. I was loosening the black hex bolt on top of the pump to try and purge the air instead of the bolt with the hole through it on the outer side of the pump. All is well. Thanks
  4. oologahan

    1962 Simplicity Sovereign 2 part question.

    They did not make a Sovereign in 1962, your 3416 Shuttle was made from 1973-1974
  5. oologahan

    Bad Boy Pump Replacement

    The left side pump went out on my 2009 7200AOS with the 35hp CAT diesel. I bought a new pump from Bad Boy and drained the fluid, installed new filters (filled with oil and reinstalled the pump with a new belt. I have the rear wheels jacked up and am having trouble getting the new pump to turn...