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  1. D

    Riddle me this! Any ideas

    i have a LA115 jd mower with a single cylinder briggs and strtton , i have a new oem carb, a new oem head , and a new oem coil, this thing will run for about 8 to 10 minutes and then starts to flood out as if you were pushing the choke on and off with the throttle cable. jusr for a second or...
  2. D

    Hello and thank you all

    newbi here , but thanks for all the help
  3. D

    briggs 104M020008F1 shutting down after 5min

    any ideas? this thing shuts down after 4 or 5 mins , like it runs out of gas , or looses spark, checked for spark after shutdown and did not have spark , replaced coil and still same problem , can the flywheel be the problem after getting hot ,. once this thing cools down just a few minuets it...