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  1. P

    Briggs and Stratton 3.5hp Classic: Plastic 'Upgrade' Air Filter vs Metal Air Filter housing for Dusty Conditions?

    My B&S 92000 series 3.5HP Classic in a basic Murray mower has the old school metal can air filter housing. It uses the 'flanged' green-ish foam air filter where the flanges on the foam help seal around the lip of the air filter housing cover (and the plastic 'cup' inside) to form a gasket when...
  2. P

    Need Factory Spec RPM Speeds Briggs and Stratton 9D902 (92000 series)

    I have a basic Murray 20 in mower with a Briggs and Stratton 9D902 3.5 HP 'Classic' L head. It is a 'throttle free' model - ie. no throttle on the handle bar just down on the motor itself with 2 settings. Lately the RPMs seemed kind of high so I checked it. In the low position it is 2,750 and...