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  1. B

    WTB-Front Wheels/Tires — 1969 Garden Mark 25 in Riding Mower ZYJ 79A

    Contact; Looking for a Good to Very Good set of Front Wheels/Tires from a 60's era Garden Mark Riding Mower ZYJ Series for a restoration project. See photos below;
  2. B

    Were these made by Lawn Boy in the 60s / 70s ???

    New here and......... Wondering if my info is correct, Think Lawn Boy made these before Wards and then MTD bought them? more pics at billrigsby-albums-wards-garden-mark-5hp-zyj-79a Thanks, Bill
  3. B

    YTA 18542 Shop Manual

    Does any one have a PDF copy of a shop manual for a YTA 18542? Bill