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  1. fkovacic

    Briggs and Stratton Engine model 12W802-1701 on Lawnboy 22242

    Hi I have just bought a used Lawnboy 22242 with a 4 cycle B & S engine. I am trying to change the oil it but there is no oil plug under the engine. How I can take the oil dip stick tube out and tilt the engine to drain the oil. This would be messy but if this is the way to do it then I will...
  2. fkovacic

    Repairs Lawnboy 10523 Self Propelled 3 speed transmission binds hard to shift

    Hi, I have a Lawnboy model 10523, 1997, 3 speed self propelled transmission that is difficult to shift between gears with the control cable. I have take the cable off and lubricated it at the top and bottom with a penatrating lubricant. I also took off the transmission selector from the...
  3. fkovacic

    Repairs Carb Adjustment for fast and low speed

    Hi, I have Lawn Boy model 10523, 1997, self propelled. I have clean the plastic type carburetor but I am not quite sure how to set the speed of the blade. It seem that when I have it in fast and shift it to slow, I don't hear a difference in the speed. If anything there very slight difference...