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  1. D

    CV740 dies after getting my wits end on this

    This has been an ongoing problem for 2-3 years now and I'm completely out of ideas, at my wits end with this damn thing. Unit is a Ferris IS3000Z zero-turn with a Kohler CV740 27hp motor. Problem: pretty consistently 15-20 mins into mowing my lawn, especially if it is thick and the motor is...
  2. D

    IS3000Z wheel tilt, blade/mulch question

    Hey guys, I'm new here...I recently moved form a 1/8 acre lot to a 3-acre lot, and I bought the Ferris IS3000z from the previous homeowner since he didn't need it anymore. Got a great deal on it, its only 400hrs. Anyway, issue 1: I noticed when looking at it from the back, that the left rear...