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  1. Big Jon

    Strange oil usage.

    I've got a 48" Cub Z Force S with a Kohler Command CV680 engine with just over 150 hours on it. The mower is run on a fairly flat lawn & the only time it's run in any kind of dirty conditions is in the fall when I mulch leaves with it. It has never used any oil and gets a complete service &...
  2. Big Jon

    Cub Cadet 3 stage blower

    I'm thinking about trading my Toro 1028 snow blower for a new Cub 3X 30" HD blower. Can anyone tell me their thoughts on the Cub 420cc engine?
  3. Big Jon

    Fired up my new 48" Z Force S commercial mower this afternoon

    It took 3 weeks to get here, but my new Cub finally arrived @ my dealer this week. I ordered it with a mulching kit and I'm very pleased with the job it does, even though the grass was still very wet from a sudden downpour. :thumbsup: Jon