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  1. nplsdvr

    Anybody know what I have?

    My wife found a Stihl Pro Trimmer on Craigslist...(lemme're rolling your eyes and laughing your head off, right?) There is a bar code, metallic sticker that is 75% destroyed. There is a 9-digit number printed/embossed in the housing: 253713518. I've search the website...
  2. nplsdvr

    Losing Power - Valve Seat?

    I'm mowing last week and have these little dips in my lawn. The mower is having a hard time crawling up the slope, when it used to have no problems at all. Then it starts spewing white smoke out of the muffler. I pull it into the shop and check the valve adjustment (which has been a chronic...
  3. nplsdvr

    Repairs Adjust Valves - What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I read dozens of articles, watched numerous videos...actually got it started a couple times! But for some reason, I just can't seem to get "adjusting the valve lash" right. I did it a couple times, and it worked. Now, it seems to be getting worse. First Question: I think I'm at TDC: both...