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  1. Browns Lawn Service

    How much do you mark-up fertilizer?

    I am about to bid on my first fertilizer job and would like to know how much you all mark up the fertilizer you purchase? thanks
  2. Browns Lawn Service

    Building me a toolbox for my trailer...

    i don't have a welder, yet , and can't afford one, yet... but i did have some 3/4 plywood laying around and some black paint... this thing will be temporary, as in probably a year at least. i wanna go metal after i buy that welder... anyway, let's begin... i got 1 coat of black...
  3. Browns Lawn Service

    Browns Lawn Service checking in...

    i just started in the LCO business last march... i have to say i have been lucky and built my own customer base of a small 8 accts and then acquired 9 other accts from a friend who retired from the biz... just found this site, hope to learn and contribute... later Danny :newhere: :drink: