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  1. S

    Wet Grass

    Around here, it rains so much in the spring that just about the time the grass is dried out enough to mow, it rains again. Are there any mowers or blades that work pretty good on damp grass?
  2. S

    Time To Start Seeds

    I'm looking forward to spring and getting outside to get the garden planted. I know it's a little early for that yet, but is anyone starting seeds for early vegetables yet? I hope to get some started soon.
  3. S

    Fuel Efficiency

    Is there much difference in the fuel efficiency of riding mowers? Since we're planning to buy one and it's likely that gas prices could be at $5.00 a gallon by the end of summer, I think taking fuel efficiency into consideration is a good idea.
  4. S

    Quiet Generators

    Are there any generators that don't make a lot of noise when they're running? It seems like every one I've used or any of my neighbors have used makes a bunch of racket and I hate it. I don't expect them to be completely quiet, but less noise sure would be nice.
  5. S

    How Do They Compare?

    I know Craftsman tools are some of the best, but I haven't heard much about their mowers. I would think they're very good. How do they compare with others, especially John Deere, in quality, features and price?
  6. S

    Best Inexpensive Riding Mower

    I need a riding mower to mow one to two acres on a hillside. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend, but I want one that will be as safe as possible on the hill, which gets a little steep, but not so much that it can't be mowed. What brand would be the best?
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    Weed Eater Maintenance

    I've had a Weed Eater for a while, but I can't find the manual. What kind of maintenance does it need and how often?
  8. S


    Someone told me that Wisteria has a great fragrance. Is it a tree or something else? What colors can you get it in?
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    Push Mowers With Bags

    I don't see too many people using bags on their push mowers, but the ones that do seem to have pretty lawns. How does collecting the clippings rather than not benefit your lawn?
  10. S

    Big Rear Wheels

    I've seen some push mowers with bigger rear wheels. They're usually a little more expensive than the ones with smaller wheels. What's the advantage to larger rear wheels?
  11. S

    Need To Buy A Walk Behind Mower

    I need to buy a new mower and I don't have a lot of money to spend on one. Are the less expensive mowers that places like Home Depot and Lowe's sell any good? How long will they last? I have about 1/2 acre to mow.