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  1. T


    Working on a Husqvarna 22V46 riding mower with no juice at the solenoid from the coil wire or the switch when cranking.. Are the test procedures for the brake switch, the Pto switch or the seat switch., Excuse me as I misspoke.. it’s aYTH24V54 Cowboy..
  2. T

    No juice..

    Working on a Husqvarna 22v46, no crank condition.. The starter test bad to ground, I put my power probe on the starter and it pops my probes breaker.. The solenoid tested bad also.. Well I forgot to check for voltage on the two little wires so I put it back together and I have no voltage with...
  3. T

    Briggs auto choke..

    This is my first experience with Briggs auto choke with a wind vain and I can’t make it work right no matter what I try.. the thermostat does not work fast enough.. you have to hold the choke open until it gets good and warm.. Hmmm.. I replaced the thermostat and adjusted it properly.. It take...
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    Service manual

    I have a YTH24V54 that I need a service manual for.: I can’t seem to find any fuses.. The starter is completely dead.. no click or anything.. I disconnected the starter wire and used my power probe to test the starter.. it blows the circuit breaker on my power probe everytime.. I suppose the...
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    New to Honda

    I just got a Honda self propelled and I was told it does not have any compression.. so I pulled the valve cover and I see a belt which I have learned is the cam belt.. I’m new to all this Honda motor thing hoping someone could learn me a thing or two about Honda motors, especially compared to...
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    Won’t start unless primed

    I have a Briggs 18.5 Intek.. Model 33R7770003G1.. I replaced to decompression mech with a new cam.. Then replaced the head gasket.. my intake set at .004.. my exhaust at .005.. The flywheel key is good.. it has good spark at the plug.. Everything was going fine until you try to start it and it...
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    Briggs intek

    Head bolt torque specs
  8. T

    Cannot find neutral

    I have aquired a Murray Select riding mower with an 18.5 Intek.. Model 33R7770003G11411.. Model on HOP sticker is #960440008.. It also shows to be a model MS18542.. CONFUSING!! Well it needs a compression release and I’ve already recently change a cam in a different intek motor.. I picked up the...
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    Oil leaking

    Has anyone ever replaced a Governor shaft seal on a 17.5 briggs interior..?
  10. T

    17.5 Intek backfires thru the carb, fouls the spark plug..

    I just recently replaced the decompression assembly.. How did I get the timing marks off? There’s only one place it will sit and line them up.. Brand new at this.. was auto tech for 23 years.. These darn lawn mower engines kick my butt, it’s always something.. Could I be missing something here...