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  1. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    Well, you called it. I'll try a pic... I never pulled one of these, can I just use my gear puller? Thanks again. I was determined to ignore timing... I just knew that wasn't it. LOL.
  2. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    My spark tester shows spark. No fire with starting fluid. Air filter is new. I don't feel like I hit much of anything with the blade, though there are roots in the yard... I did a full cut of my front yard, changed the oil, and it wouldn't start. How do you set the coil air gap? With a...
  3. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    I don't know what the valve clearances were before, I couldn't find my feeler gauge. I could tell the intake was leaking though. After, the intake was about .002, exhaust .007. It's one of those funky plugs with a y looking electrode, and it's new. I put it in another machine and it runs...
  4. M

    Toro Recycler, Briggs engine quit working after oil change

    I picked up a toro recycler 22 with Briggs 128m02-3425-b1 engine. Compression was very weak, I lapped the valve seats and it started up and ran great. I did a 10 minute or so test cut, changed the drive belt and cut my front yard. Ran great. I changed the oil, and it hasn't started since...