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Results 1 to 50 of 282
  1. R

    Well it started.

    Sorry you see it that way, Ray
  2. R

    JD Recall - FYI
  3. R

    Kiawasaki FR651V oil cooler ?
  4. R

    When to replace your mower?

    Wash it / wax it / fix the crack and run it. You still got a better unit that you will find new without spending silly money. Cheers, Ray
  5. R

    Winter Storage

    After the last mow for the season, cleaned up the entire machine with special care under the deck. Give the engine a good cleaning under the fan, changed the oil and air filter, went to a WIX 51391 on the oil filter, largest so far. Put the machine up on stands to give the tires a break...
  6. R

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today

    Windows 10 will reach its end of life (EOL) on October 14, 2025: it is true
  7. R

    I have declared WAR.

    Chain trap to full size cement block, you can move it around easily, but the largest coon will be out done by it, r
  8. R

    XT2 Engine Pulley Removal

    Kroil penetrating oil -...
  9. R

    I'm At A Loss!!!

    Free app called Photoscape works well and is very easy to use.
  10. R

    Kohler engines is no more.

    Wonder how many on here will vote to keep the same problem?
  11. R

    Food for thought

    Yep, they just debunked Kamala's McDonald's job story, my my, both sides of the team are just plain liers, what the dems will do to put in stupid.......
  12. R

    Harbor Freight Sprayer repair

    Folks, for many years I have used the low price sprayers available at Harbor Freight around the home. The weak part in this sprayer is the O ring. Here's a link where you can purchase a replacement. Cheers, Ray
  13. R

    Maintenance, Oiling your Riding Mower??

    Hey, if it turns, oil it, if it slides, grease it. Don't spare the lub..........r
  14. R


    I would expect WOT until it went splash...
  15. R


    Please don't do this >
  16. R

    Help.Stuck pulley

    Kroll, best penetrating oil on the planet, lube it up and give it time to work, then figure out how to knock it out without buggering it up.. Good Luck Sir
  17. R


    Climate change or not, if we don't get the Boob out of the office we are not going to be able to feed ourselves..Ray
  18. R

    Emission Inspection on a newer car.

    US Government, largest bunch of over-payed Jack' Asses one could possibly collect..
  19. R

    Emission Inspection on a newer car.

    Someone explain to me why I need to have an emission inspection on a 2017 car? It is insane, the shop operator expected to be TIP'ed.. Got to Love it, Ray
  20. R

    John Deere Laying Off Workers in Midwest US, Opening Plant in Mexico

    Price point might go down if enough stop purchasing their products..
  21. R

    Best for hills?

    As bkeller500 indicated, it is much easier to trim with a wider deck, the one thing I wlsh my ZTR had is larger rear wheels for a better ride. This machine also has 20" rear wheels. Just something to consider, Cheers, r
  22. R

    Make or break features on a zero-turn?

    JMHO< if you feel like you need ROPS and seat belts all the time, you need to be looking at a different design machine to do your cutting needs...
  23. R

    Won't start

    Does the harnes have a fuse installed?
  24. R

    Smokes like a chimney

    Ya might want to give up on the sucker before the fumes hurt you. That's a lot of oil to be swallowing. May a trip to the local repair shop would be wise..
  25. R

    GREENWORKS 60 V Lawn mower

    WoW, who wants a push mower that might get wet? Is there any amoung us that hasn't used the hose to clean off a push mower after it became clogged with grass.. Go Figure.. Got to share this one, while taken the stairs out of my pool, I asked my daugher to assist. The moment she engaged my...
  26. R

    GREENWORKS 60 V Lawn mower

    Not in my world, r
  27. R

    GREENWORKS 60 V Lawn mower

    Nope, but how many have you seen burning up.
  28. R

    John to Jim

    Here's a better suggestion, why don't we call it the "BRANDON" .....
  29. R

    How to maintain variety of batteries

    Well if they are all the same voltage you might connect them up in paralled and charge them, but not in series..r
  30. R

    FWD Push Mower Recommendations

    Looking for a 21/22" FWD Push Mower, typically I mulch so I keep the discharge covered. Not interested in battery, would like power to go through thick though stuff and not have to slow down from a quick gate. Some of the stuff on the market is so thin the deck flexes when you raise the front...
  31. R

    Kawaaski FR651V - FX air box conversion

    Whow, so the truth comes out, thanks r
  32. R

    Kawaaski FR651V - FX air box conversion

    So why would you do this conversion, maybe because the oem filter is so far down it picks up way to much crap in the filter causing you clean it way to often, LOL
  33. R

    Kawasaki twin cylinder engines maintenance

    I'd rather drown the little buggers, r
  34. R

    Kawasaki twin cylinder engines maintenance

    Gentlemen, thanks, I have removed the engine cal couple time and used compressed air to blow it clean as recommended. I just wanted to make sure that was sufficient. I do like the idea of the long round brush and don't see that causing a problem. Last thing I would be inclinde to do is to...
  35. R

    Kawasaki twin cylinder engines maintenance

    Otherthan blowing is off with compressed air, what do you do the clean the top of a twin cylinder Kawasaki engine? thanks Ray
  36. R

    YouTube strikes again. You can't make this stuff up.

    There a reason some don't have access to the internet
  37. R

    Southern clay soil. ugh.

    One has to wonder, around here the first thing that happens when getting a site ready to build is they remove all the top soil, then after the build they bring in sod and plop it on the hard red soil and wonder why it does not grow. Test all you want to, it is hopeless, Ya got to love it.....r
  38. R

    Used oil

    The sadest thing about the whole mess is neither side has a straight up guy as a candidate to vote for, most of all I fear for our children. Let's call this done and go back to the mower forum, Cheers, r
  39. R

    Used oil

    Bert, I for one have never said that Trump is not without faults, but I for one know this country was far better off under the leadership of Trump than it is today under the third term of Obama... Cheers, r. We will have to agree to disagree...
  40. R

    Used oil

    So are we ready to give up rooting for the nice old man that can't remember shit that is fixing the U.S.A
  41. R

    Used oil

    Bert, it is sad you have such a narrow view of some one with a conservative view on the world. I spent 8 years in the Navy, traveled to many places in the world, come from a very humble start and have worked hard to improve myself over the years. I have no problem with folks from other place...
  42. R

    Used oil

    So when did this change from a lawn mower forum to 'As the World SUCKS"? Ya know if someone doesn't fix the boarder one will have to pay an armed guard to watch there home when you vaction to keep squatters from moving in. Who is paying taxes to see a city spend 53 million of their dollars to...
  43. R

    Used oil

    Hey Bert, GO Trump, you need help sucker,,,, r
  44. R

    Sun shade version II

    Gents, some of you may remember my first attempt, this is version II from the lessons learned. I added metal up rights an a water pipe for the cross member to create a proper support. Next I lopped off the front corners of the top so that it would clear obstacles easier(square just wasn't...
  45. R

    Boy Afib is not fun...

    Dad finally went to have his cared for after waking up pushing down small trees with his pick-up truck in a field along side of the road, fortunatenly it was a soft landing and he or the truck wasn't damaged. Getting old sucks.........
  46. R

    Southern clay soil. ugh.

    If you want to try something really rich get ourself a load of chicken poop. Honestly my Dad threw away the shovel afterwards, it took paint off the bed of his truck. r
  47. R

    Used oil

    Go Trump...............
  48. R


    Hi Mike, I'm happy to say I never needed a snow blower. Send a link or post some pictures of your toys, Cheers, Ray
  49. R

    Front end jacks

    I like to run my machine at least a couple time during the winter. If the weather allows and it's dry enough not to rut up the yard I simply lower it and fire it up for a run around. Otherwise I've got two sets of doors that I can throw open for plenty ventilation and run it in place. I keep my...