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Results 51 to 55 of 55
  1. S

    Starter Solenoid - Disappearing Power

    Four terminal solenoid, so you should have 2 heavy wires (one from battery, one going to starter) and two smaller wires, one should go to ground (does it). The other wire is part of a series circuit that runs from the battery, ignition switch, seat switch and PTO switch and possibly a switch on...
  2. S

    What to do

    I have a Bad Boy with a Koehler engine, it’s built like a tank. If you have hilly ground to mow the weight will work to your advantage, just remember you can get into serious trouble combining speed and lateral travel on slopes. A fabricated deck (as opposed to stamped) is a plus if there is...
  3. S

    Another recommendation needed,,, pretty please.

    I have a situation similar to yours, about 10-15 acres, former pasture, some clear, some young hardwoods, flat to hilly. The fields had been neglected when we moved in, briers over my head, thick stands of Johnson grass, various trees. Thought about getting a bush hog / tractor (not good under /...
  4. S

    Lots of Mower Reviews Here!

    I have a 2009 Bad Boy ZT, changing the pump belt is my least enjoyable maintenance task. Having said that, it consists of - letting the tension off the blade belt - removing the PTO clutch cable - removing the nut from the pump belt tensioner - loosening the lot of the pump belt idler to the...
  5. S

    What ZTR to buy, 2-3 acres with light slope, and lots of debris

    I will probably catch some flack for this... We have about 12 acres that I try to keep free of briars and high weeds, it’s all former pasture, some slopes up to 20 degrees or so. When we moved here it hadn’t been cleared for years, in some places the briars were over my head. So I bought a 2009...