Recent content by Zeusisloose

  1. Z

    One tire is much closer to the frame?

    So I checked today and everything looks ok. Hubs and rims are correct and matching. It just seems odo. Everything looks aligned. Nothing looks bent. I guess I just hope it’s a non issue or doesn’t lead to a major issue? I called the place who sold it to me and they said it might just be a...
  2. Z

    One tire is much closer to the frame?

    Ohh I understand what you mean. I’m going to check that out. Thanks!
  3. Z

    One tire is much closer to the frame?

    Is there an orientation to follow for the wheels? They have the same branding and wording on each side and look the same either way? Thanks for the response!
  4. Z

    One tire is much closer to the frame?

    I recently bought a new hustler raptor xdx and immediately noticed that one tire is much closer to the frame than the other. It’s a full inch closer. I jacked it up. No excessive play. I rolled it in neutral and it’s uniform. Should I be concerned? Couldn’t add photos because files are too...
  5. Z

    Hustler: one tire is much closer to the frame?

    I recently bought a new hustler raptor xdx and immediately noticed that one tire is much closer to the frame than the other. It’s a full inch closer. I jacked it up. No excessive play. I rolled it in neutral and it’s uniform. Should I be concerned? Couldn’t add photos because files are too...
  6. Z

    Hustler: one tire is much closer to the frame?

    I recently bought a new hustler raptor xdx and immediately noticed that one tire is much closer to the frame than the other. It’s a full inch closer. I jacked it up. No excessive play. I rolled it in neutral and it’s uniform. Should I be concerned? Couldn’t add photos because files are too...