Recent content by WDF1988

  1. WDF1988

    950M Zero Turn

    Respectfully, we have differing opinions. I've run my equipment in temps lower than 25F and have never had a carb freeze up in 45 years, and that includes blowing snow. If there was a risk of carbs freezing in winter, why would manufacturers make snowblowers and blades for typical lawn tractors...
  2. WDF1988

    950M Zero Turn

    At the factory, John Deere fills them with Hygard hydraulic oil. Unless you're completely draining them, I wouldnt mix 5w30 or 10w30 with the Hygard. Plus, who is mowing grass under freezing temps with a zero turn? So temp is irrelevant. Put Hygard in it. Here is the label from a brand new...
  3. WDF1988

    JD LA130 road blocks - Just clicks when trying to start. And how the heck do you get those air cleaner cover screws out.

    L130 is an older series than the LA series. It was very confusing looking up parts back in the day when they were newer because customers always confused the model numbers. Stats courtesy of and if that's not confusing enough, in 2006 (right in the middle), good old Deere...
  4. WDF1988

    x590 Hydro screwed the pooch

    That is some major leakage. Your cap appears to be an earlier style, but I dont think it's causing the issue. My advice is to power wash off the transmission really good and then put the tractor up on jackstands and let it run and look for the leak. Make sure your oil level isn't low. I'm...